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Trustpower Offices – Tauranga

Trustpower Offices – Tauranga

Veldhoen + Company and Warren & Mahoney have collaboratively designed the new offices of utility company Trustpower located in Tauranga, New Zealand.

In March 2016 Trustpower officially opened their new purpose-built facility in Tauranga, New Zealand. After exploring their future way of working, Trustpower chose for the philosophy of Activity Based Working to support their wish for a more connected and collaborative, agile and human centric workplace. Their new workplace strategy was co-created through a process run with Veldhoen + Company and called: “Synergy New Ways of Working”. The interior is designed by Warren & Mahoney, the base building by Wingate & Farquhar.

Trustpower’s new head office is supporting them in being a fun and energizing company to work for. Their 500+ staff are able to interact better, have honest conversations and can easily encounter their team members or the CEO. The CEO opens himself up to this by not having a fixed desk or assigned office, the same as everyone else. Non-assigned seating, planned and change managed well, provides employees the possibility of choice without having to worry about a noisy neighborhood, paper dependency or unavailable meeting rooms.

The building is designed for an optimal balance of future work activities. Every employee has their own personal storage, where they can store their laptops, business and personal effects. They have provided superb end of trip facilities with ample bike storage, showers and lockers to store sports wear to be used before, during and after work. The CBD location of the Trustpower office empowers the employees to explore and become part of Tauranga’s city life. Their open and transparent work culture is ready for the 21st century.

Design: Veldhoen + Company, Warren & Mahoney
Photography: Amanda Aitken


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Source: OfficeSnapsShos – Trustpower Offices – Tauranga
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