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The Boldt Company Offices – Chicago

The Boldt Company Offices – Chicago

Horn Design has developed the new offices of construction services firm The Boldt Company located in Chicago, Illinois.

The Boldt Company is a leading construction services firm with over 125 years of industry experience. Their most recent milestone includes the grand opening of their Chicago Office, which will serve as an innovation hub for the company and their clients.

Design Criteria:

  • Emphasize company culture and commitment to both employees and the design community at large.
  • Encourage collaboration and innovation while maintaining a level of flexibility in anticipation of future growth and change.
  • Utilize high ceilings (14’-0”) to achieve drama and spatial depth.
  • Create an industrial feel while maintaining sophistication.
  • Understand constraints of floor plate as it relates to specific program size requirements.
  • Highlight views of city through open floor plate design.


We framed-in the entrance to the space with reclaimed wood slats to bring the 14’-0” ceiling height down to create a more welcoming environment.

Innovation and Collaboration were at the heart of Boldt’s vision for their Chicago Office. The space features flexible furniture solutions throughout enabling them flexibility to adapt the space. The monochromatic color scheme creates drama with the play of light to dark. The reflective polished concrete floor and the lighting create dynamic shadows and reflections throughout the space.

The open European style cafe is designed to encourage socialization. The wood slat ceiling works to frame in this space creating an intimate setting for entertaining. All surfaces feature writable or tackable materials to support a variety of collaborative functioned that are programmed to take place here. Views of the Chicago El and River drive creativity.

Design: Horn Design
Photography: Hedrich Blessing Photos

Entrance Signage
Conference Room_With People
Think Tank_East View
Think Tank_West View

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Source: OfficeSnapsShos – The Boldt Company Offices – Chicago
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