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Clever Offices – San Francisco

Clever Offices – San Francisco

Boor Bridges Architecture has developed the new offices of educational software development firm Clever located in San Francisco.

Occupying a 1924 poured-in-place concrete building, Clever’s new officesspan nearly 27,000 sq. ft. across 4 floors and a roof deck. BBA was hired for a full range of interior architecture and design services to convert this former mannequin factory into a tech company headquarters.

We made two main architectural moves: “the Clever wall’ and a new stair. The Clever wall is a 160-foot long, maple plywood cabinetry array that extends the length of the building, incorporating the reception desk, a standing-height meeting table, seating nooks, storage, display and freestanding furnishings. The new stair sits inside a chevron-shaped opening, featuring walnut perches at each floor to encourage ad hoc staff interaction and offer a casual, standing-height workspace alternative. Clever builds software for schools, which fueled a robust play on iconic scholastic environments as we selected and curated the furnishings, art and accessories.

Working closely with our client, we themed over thirty meeting rooms, phone booths and lounges—from chemistry lab, to student union to Principal’s office—enriching the design with molecule-inspired light fixtures and carpet, and custom installations using vintage and new school supplies.

Design: Boor Bridges Architects
Architect-of-Record: Costa Brown Architecture
Contractor: CCI
Custom Joinery: Treasure Island Woodworks


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